I have known this idiots (hind site), for maybe 30 years. It started with Dago Ray. He needed the water valve changed by the meter in the basement. He worked for Charle at Colfax Welding. At that time, all the guys know I've been to Italy about a bunch of times, this type of repair is what I do for a living and I never really been known for a bullshit kind of guy. After I did the repair the whole family started to treat me like a long lost brother, son?
I guess it was because of Marilyn, and her kid Franky. That is a whole subject by it's self.
Marilyn Got knocked up by the school bus driver who picked up her kid. As soon as she told her mother and father, brother, and sister of the news.......... (Italian family).............
The mother died a week later, Mario, his wife and daughter moved out west, ray retired?
End Of story.
One day 20 years later Mario was walking past the old food store he worked at and he saw some construction equipment with my name on it. Gave me a call, we met for breakfast and got caught up. Marylin told her sister Tina (in Consenza) that I was dead 15? years earlier (par for the family).
I got a dui, from a cop in Palatine that was higher than a kite, my lawyer, did not want to do any thing because his brother is mayor of the next town, judge didn't give a shit eather way, assistant states attorney first case ......... so who am I?
the land lord sold the place, so I have to move........
Mario Sella, was calling me up every day, every other day, once, twice a day for about 4 years. Things were not going good for me, so, get out of dodge was the plan.
I got another lawyer (lawyer #5) to help with the petition with probation and Scotillo, to transfer to Arizona. I recall the lawyer #3 told me that some how my file got lost, and he needs is fast, then found it on the south side of Chicago (Scotillo knew I was going to appeal before sentencing, I had a feeling Scotillo had the file accidentally lost).
Mario and I got along so I figured what the hell, and give it a try,
I started shipping stuff out to az.
The transfer papers came and I was gone.
At first is was OK, I guess.
I had to get a state plumbing contractors license - Az uses the upc plumbing code so I had to study